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News From The Outfitter!




OUR TEAM USES Excalibur Crossbows!  Check these bows out locally at Pelkey’s Archery




Alaska Dall Sheep Hunt with Jeremy from Michigan

Packstring Productions
77 Rock Island Road
St. Albans, Vermont 05478
Telephone 802-524-6163
Monday through Friday
8 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST



Join us for action-packed hunts, in Alaska, Idaho, Vermont, Virginia and more! Brown bear, black bear, whitetails, mule deer, caribou, elk, turkeys are all on the list of big game! We will also be featuring local hunts for ducks and snowshoe hares!

Hunting Books for Children by Deb Hamel:



This week’s "Pic of the Week" was shared with us by Jordan White. Jordan and her sister, Colby, have been hunting with their dad, Steven, since they were old enough to walk. The opening of rifle season was always just as exciting as Christmas in the White household! This past fall, Steven drew a cow moose tag in E2. He immediately chose Colby as his second shooter and, because of her guiding experience, he chose Jordan as his guide. Even though temperatures were unusually hot, dedicated pre-hunt scouting had the trio fortunate on day 3 to spot a big cow just as they were arriving at their spot.The moose quickly disappeared into the wood line and Jordan reports their hearts were pumping in overdrive. Dad was first out of the truck and they quickly started the stalk! About ten minutes in, he spotted the cow's head poking out from behind a tree. The moose blended in so well that a head shot was all Steven had. The cow stood there at 132 yards; Steven took the shot and dropped her in her tracks! In Jordan’s words, "We walked up to her, all in amazement and appreciation, taking in her size and beauty and the feeling of relief and excitement consumed all three of us." After all the hugs and high fives they knew the work wasn’t over. The first call was to Marc Farrow, and he and his horse “Bill” came and brought the huge cow out for them! Their prize cow moose tipped the scales at 662 pounds!! Congratulations Jordan, Colby and Dad on making memories with family that very few people get the chance to do! For sharing your story and photos we’ll be sending you a $10 gift card courtesy of Lenny’s Shoe & Apparel. Stop in at one of their convenient locations or shop online at LennyShoe.com.






The Hunter's Smart Seat®





Since 2003


The Outfitter TV Series - an Award Winning Show *

• Best Single Gun Episode 2009, 2008

• Best Big Game Episode 2008

• Best Editing 2007

• Viewer’s Favorite On-Camera Personality 2006

• Viewer’s Favorite Hunting Show 2005

*accolades while airing on national television

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